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All your investment needs in one app

Thanks to Finfree’s out of the box tools, you can perform fundamental analysis without knowing high-level finance and without spending hours calculating ratios.
Get stock performance insights. Invest in top companies in the industry by comparing them with competitors.

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Quick company view

Financial Ratios

Take the hassle out of reading long financial reports to evaluate companies!
With Finfree analyze companies you want to invest in quickly and carefully. Compare the company you chose with the quantitative scoring system according to its industry and background.
Quickly access the information you need with growth, valuation, profitability, leverage, and momentum scores.

Find the industry bests

Curated collection of the bests

With curated collections, you can find best companies in and industry. You can instantly see the largest market cap, the lowest P/E ratio, the most profitable, and the fastest-growing company in the industry you want.
Be an industry expert with just a quick glance, and don't miss out on industry-based investment opportunities.

Large Cap.webp
Price alerts.webp

Capture trading opportunities

Price alarms

You can get notifications on stock price changes and make instant trades without missing the opportunity. If you want to be informed about the price changes of the companies you are interested in, simply enter the price you want and the rate of change.

Detailed portfolio management & statistics

With Finfree, you can monitor your portfolio with a single screen. You can analyze the share and industry distributions in your portfolio, and evaluate your performance against the dollar and gold in seconds.

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Access stock reports
from expert analysts

Finfree Community

Make safe investment decision with clarity and trust. With more than 3500 stock analysis, you can gain valuable insights for your next investments. Follow the stocks analyzed by professional investors now.

Compare assets discover the best investment!

Stock Comparison

Thanks to Finfree, you can compare two different stocks and analyze their differences according to their statistical summaries and financials. You can compare Turkish stocks, American stocks, dollar, gold, silver returns with stocks.
Evaluate the performance of two investment assets you have chosen according to certain time intervals. You can also view the comparison chart in dollar terms, with a click of a button.

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List the companies
you want to follow!


You can create different watchlists by selecting the companies you want to follow. You can also review the watchlists of other investors. Add the companies on your radar to your list, analyze their performance with a single chart

Discover top companies

Collections - Themes - Lists

Finding the best companies is as easy as discovering music with Finfree. You can choose the area you want to invest in, and examine it according to your investment preference.

Use  Collections  to quickly analyze companies by sector.
With  Themes,  discover companies that offer dividends, export products, or deal in foreign exchange.
 Lists  rank companies based on metrics like growth, profitability, leverage, valuation, and momentum, so you can see how they stack up against the competition.

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Quick & easy investment training

Finfree Academy

You don't need high financial knowledge to start investing and be a good investor. Take an hour to learn investment basics with our free Academy training.

Learn to invest without risk

Virtual trading

The first and only in Turkey. Plus it's free.
To introduce you to the world of investing, we enable you to invest fearlessly with a predefined virtual portfolio of  
100,000₺ .

Test your knowledge, and discover your investment style.

Virtual Portfolio.webp
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